An Exclusive Q&A with Racecar Driver Jett Noland

As a rising star in the super late model racing circuit, Jett has been captivating fans with his incredible skill, determination, and a passion for speed. We had the exclusive opportunity to sit down with Jett and learn about the journey, experiences, and insights that have shaped his racing career.

In this Q&A session, we’ll explore Jett’s early beginnings, some challenges he’s faced on the track, and the thrilling moments that have defined his path to success — take a look.


Q: What first sparked your interest in racing?

A: From a very young age I had a need for speed. When my dad brought up racing go karts, it opened a whole new world to me. Soon, I started competing in the local go kart series, which led to the pro trucks and late model series.


Q: What has been the most challenging race or season in your career so far?

A: The most challenging season I have faced was between 2021-2022. During this season. I was involved in an accident at Five Flags Speedway and broke my back. It led to an early end of the season.


Q: How important is the relationship with your team in achieving success?

A: Having a good relationship with the team absolutely leads to more wins. They say success is 80% on the team and 20% on the driver, so it’s important to be able to trust each other and have a strong team.


Q: What are your short-term and long-term goals in racing?

A: My short-term goal is to grow my team and be able to accomplish big wins in the next coming seasons. My long term goal is to rent out rides so I can help the next generation of racers learn and grow.


Q: Who has been the most influential person in your racing career?

A: My dad has always supported my racing and it has turned into something we enjoy doing together. Really both of my parents have been so supportive of my racing career, giving their time to help as well as sponsoring my team in past years.


Q: Do you have any mentors or role models in the racing world?

A: I have always looked at Bubba Pollard as a role model in the racing industry. I admire his passion for racing and his willingness to help future drivers. I was given the opportunity this past year to race one of his cars and run under his team.


Q: What do you look for in a sponsor, and how do you maintain those relationships?

A: When looking for sponsors, we like to partner with businesses that want to grow with our team. We treat our sponsors as family and maintain a personal relationship with them during and after the season.


Q: Let’s talk about life off the track. How do you like to spend your time?

A: When I’m not racing, I enjoy hunting and helping out at Cordele Motor Speedway. I also work part time as a salesman for Noland’s Roofing.


And, there you have it! Thanks for taking the time to read this Q&A with Jett and learn a little more about his life and experiences. The team here at Jett Noland Motorsports is pumped to keep pushing the limits on the track and we hope you’ll stay tuned for more updates on upcoming races.

